photo shoot with amazing drea.

I was suposed to tell you about my friday, but of course I managed to forget about it. Anyways, friday I helped out a bunch of great photographers at a work shop with Bjørn Opsahl and Patrik Amidani (!) How awesome isn't that?! Anyways, the photographers had cameras, sets and ideas, all they needed was models, so that's where I came in.

Here are the results I have gotten from amazing Drea. She is such a great photographer and such a lovely girl! I loved working with her!

Visit her blog and take a look at her astonishingly pretty photoes!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

You are just so pretty! Never seen anyone so natural beauty and eyes like yours. Looking forward to follow your career. So keep on blogging and stay natural. Great photographs work as well!

Drea sa...

Enig med anonym, du er kjempevakker! :D Var utrolig gøy å jobbe med deg, du er et naturtalent. :)

Jeg skal sende over bildene på mail etterhvert også - ting tar bare litt tid med meg! ;)

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