nerd glasses.

Lately I've had a thing for these so called "nerd glasses". I find them awesome, but it's been sold out everywhere. At work yesterday my boyfriend shows up unexpected for a coffee, before he hands over a surprise gift - a pair of these exact glasses. He'd actually been able to find a place where they weren't sold out:).

Photographer: My brother, WendellGee
I don't really know how I feel about myself with glasses. I believe I look smart and nerdy, and I like it, hehe. What do you think of this trend?


3 kommentarer:

Kate J sa...

I think it looks pretty cool, but the fact that the “nerd-glasses” are everywhere just makes them less attractive..

Intrinsically Florrie sa...

Hooray for nerd glasses! They're cute. :-)
I have to have normal glasses though so I'm limited to what's in my optitians..

Florrie x

Julia mode sa...

Love this photo !! =)


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