march 11, 1962.

One of my greater inspiration sources is the amazing singer songwriter, Mary Gauthier. Her music has touched my to tears numerous of times and seeing her live at McCabe's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica, LA with my parents was one of the greatest experiences and concerts I've ever been to. She was in Oslo a couple of years ago, but I wasn't old enough to go, so I was very lucky my parents took me to see her in LA. Both my mom and my dad are huge fans of her and they were the ones to introduce me to her music. I encourage you to take some time to listen to her music.

She shared a lot of amazing stories from her life and said some incredible things on the stage in LA. Some things that I haven't really managed to forget. I'd like to quote her and use this opportunity to recommend you to listen to her music. One of my favorites - March 11, 1962 - tells the story of her life, listen to it. Listen to the lyrics, listen to the guitar play, listen to the mood. Hopefully you'll be blown away, like me.

"Songs is a mystery. I don't no where they're coming from - I just hope to God they keep coming"
- Mary Gauthier, Santa Monica, LA, July 10th 2010.

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